The Dos and Don’ts of Puppy Care

Having a new puppy at home is an exciting and wonderful experience. However, it comes with a lot of responsibility and challenges

So, as a new puppy owner, there are dos and don’ts in terms of caring for your furry friend so that he is healthy, happy, and well-behaved.

It’s known that puppies prefer routine, so it’s important to set a schedule for eating, bathing, playing, and training.

This routine will help your puppy stay on top of his behavior and reduce the possibility of any behavioral problems.

Never neglect training, it is a necessary step for your dog to behave well and obey your commands.

Start by teaching him some basic commands like “sit,” “stand,” and “come,” and then gradually gain him some more advanced skills.

Always encourage your dog for good behavior or when he obeys your commands, uses treats, and shows your pleasure and feelings for what he did.

Some believe that giving a puppy extra food makes him stronger, but this is wrong, as overeating can lead to obesity and some other health problems.

Puppies are full of energy and enthusiasm so they need plenty of exercise and play to stay healthy and happy.

Therefore, provide him with plenty of toys to play with, such as playing ball or tug-of-war, and take him on regular walks.

Don’t leave your puppy alone for long periods of time, he gets sad too and needs attention and time with you, so try to provide some things like exercise or companionship if you are away from him.

In conclusion, you should know that caring for puppies requires a lot of patience and effort. But by following the dos and don’ts of dog care, you can be sure that your furry friend will become a healthy, happy dog and the best home mate.

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