The best Dogs for disabled people

Although dogs have many different skills and abilities, their ability to help people with disabilities is the best. 

And In this article, we will know together the best types of dog breeds to perform these tasks in the best way with some different disabilities:

1. Labrador Retriever  :

They are the most commonly used dogs by blind people, due to their gentle nature, intelligence, and ability to train easily. 

2.  Cocker Spaniels :

 Because of their alertness and quick attention, they are the best choice for people with poor hearing. 

3. Poodle

They are the ideal choice to help their owners move around due to their large size, strength and intelligence.

4. Golden Retrievers  : 

Their sense of smell is very strong, so it helps them detect any odor or changes in the body, so that they can immediately alert a doctor.

5. PoodleGolden retrieverLabrador :

They are commonly used for psychological care because of their calm and emotional nature, so their presence plays an important role in treating some psychological conditions.

In the end it is also important to know that when making your choice A dog for a person with a disability. You must use an organization that specializes in training service dogs in order to be able to match people with the best dog to meet their special needs.

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