
Before talking about the deworming , we have to understand the worms life cycle and what does they do , what are the most common worms , what it the best schedule to keep our pets healthy and vital .

Every creature have worms in there intestine , some of them are useful and some are harmful , they live in your dog’s intestines and feed off blood or other nutrients that they find there. They are absorbing all the valuable nutrients from the digested food that was marked to go for the puppy itself , thus the puppy is not getting any valuable nutrients .

Worms creates a noticeable signs , those signs is an alerts to get rid of them

visible worms or eggs in the faeces

visible worms in fur or around the dog’s rear

scratching or rubbing of rear

visible worms in vomit

bloated stomach or belly

weakness, increased appetite, constant hunger, and weight loss

diarrhoea, particularly with blood

those warms may affect the dog health.

types of worms:

heartworm – roundworm – hookworm – tapeworm – whipworm – lungworm

Deworming is the process of removing intestinal parasites from a puppy’s digestive system. This is an important step in maintaining the health of the puppy and preventing the spread of parasites to other animals or humans. Deworming should be done regularly, especially for puppies, as they are more susceptible to intestinal parasites due to their weak immune system. The frequency and type of deworming medication used may vary depending on the age, breed, and lifestyle of the puppy, as well as the regional parasite prevalence. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian for a personalized deworming plan for your puppy.


how to take precautions for worms and how to treat them?

A Dewormer tablet is prescribed to your kiddow depending on their weigh, this process is recommended to be repeated at least each 3 months yearly, so 4 shots yearly. those shots are dual shots meaning divided into initial shot and booster shot. initial shots to be given to kill the adults that are existing on the spot , the booster shot to be given after 14 days to kill the possibly hatched eggs .   


Example :

Suppose that first shot was given on 01/01/23 ,

the first booster shot: will be on 15/01/23

Second shot will be given after 3 months : 15/04/2023

The second booster shot:  will be 30/04/23

Third shot will be given after 3 months : 30/07/2023

The third booster shot: will be given : 15/08/2023 and so on .

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