dogs always recognize there toilet place using the ammonia chemical in there urine.

always make sure to clean the wrong spots with strong chemicals that vanish the smell.

in order not to confuse your puppy about the correct place .

Steps to potty training my puppy

Schedule feeding table routine :

Firstly , we have to understand the digestion routine for the puppy.

it always happens 5-10 mins after getting his meal.

that time would be the best expected time for toilet.

fixing the meals timings helps the puppy to fix the toilet routine as well.

it is recommended also to remove the water before your puppy goes to sleep 2 hours prior.

as we mentioned , elimination always happens straight forward.

after having a meal and in the morning after waking up.

An important note : the activity for the puppy after feeding triggers his ability to eliminate.

so it is recommended to get the puppy inside the exact place.

play with him and triggers his activity , that would help him to eliminate in the specific place.

use a robe and towel game to get your puppy energy out and expect to eliminate in a seconds.

  • Use positive reinforcement technique :

By rewarding your puppy using a treat , a game or any kind of loved food.

try to emphasize  what your puppy really likes and use it all the times.

when the puppy eliminates in the correct place treat him using nice words like: Good Boy/girl . , Bravo , well done

  • Take your puppy outside frequently:

at least every two hours and immediately after they wake up.

during and after playing, and after eating or drinking.

  • Mistakes happen

Expect your puppy to have a few accidents in the house—it’s a normal part of house training.

Here’s what to do when that happens:

Without a lot of drama, immediately take them to their outside bathroom spot.

Praise your pup and give a treat if they finish there.

Don’t punish your puppy for eliminating in the house.

If you find a soiled area, just clean it up.

Rubbing your puppy’s nose in it, taking them to the spot and scolding them.

or any other punishment will only make them afraid of you or afraid to eliminate in your presence.

Punishment will do more harm than good.

  • Clean the soiled area thoroughly


Puppies are highly motivated to continue soiling in areas that smell like urine or feces.

It’s extremely important that you use these supervision

and confinement procedures to minimize the number of accidents.

If you allow your puppy to eliminate frequently in the house,

they’ll get confused about where they’re supposed to go, which will prolong the house training process.

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